Thursday, February 27, 2020

The problem of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children Essay - 184

The problem of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children - Essay Example Conversation surrounding this unaccompanied immigrant child has been polarized politically, as the opposition appears intent on laying the blame at the president and government’s claiming that they are not doing enough to secure the nation from intrusion (The Editorial Board). While the government may or may not agree with this sentiments their primary concern at the moment is how to address the situation at hand and try to solve the problem without endangering the lives of the vulnerable minors. One of the issues that have been subject to incessant opposition from the republican side is the fact that many of these children have to be tried and provided with lawyers which comes at a cost to the government. However, others argue that the cost of keeping the minors in detention is far greater than that of providing them with legal representation. Attempts by the state to have unaccompanied and unregistered minors to access and education have been frequently opposed by the opposi tion, but on the large those released in the custody of the relatives in the US can access it. Both sides are justified in their different positions on the matter, despite the opponents appearing uncaring its worth noting that these children will likely lead a life of poverty and as young adults will be likely to engage in criminal activities in the US. Besides, there is no way of knowing why there really come to the US and some of them may well be juvenile delinquents (You Hot News). Nevertheless, the government has a responsibility for all those who enter its boarders; thus, children deserving of refugee or asylum should be granted the same without irrespective of the circumstances under which the entered the US. Ultimately, it is inevitable that there are serious challenges underpinning the immigration issue, but they are best solved by collective action objectively addressing the concerns of both sides.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Child Labor in Egypt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Child Labor in Egypt - Essay Example Failure of observing ethical stipulations may lead to the incidences of taboos, a common element in the incidents of ethical based violations. However, the task of establishing personal ethics is rather demanding. This is with regards to the essence of ethics in an individual’s life. Adoption of appropriate ethical perceptions is a demand that is laid to the person by his or her immediate community. This makes ethics seem inclusive of an expectation, as well as the desire to protect ones perception of life. Ethical beliefs are regularly challenged, especially during the address of various aggressions in the daily lour daily lives (DiMauro, 2006). Our success in the address of these challenges implies a positive or an impressive performance of our ethical beliefs. The development of successful ethical trends is based on various attributes of our daily lives (Bernardin, 2008). Amongst the factors that contributed in the improvement of my ethical perception includes the influence attributed to my family. A family is central in the up bring of any child. It forms an integral part of our lives. My family contributed grossly towards my adaptation of various perceptions of life. This was achieved via both discipline and emulation. While growing up, I emulated the senior members of my family with regards to addressing the challenges that I encountered in my daily undertaking. I learnt to reason along their perception, and solve a situation via the sourced lessons. My parents played a central role n moderating my ethical perceptions. They established the expected pathway along which I was anticipated to establish them. In addition, they imposed strict regulations on behaviours that prompted the violation of these measures. This eventuated into my possession of a set of ethical beliefs along which I developed the rest of my ethical perception. The rest of the contributors of my personal belief includes the guidance from